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Homemade Bread


My passion for baking started around senior year in 2021. Cooking was my forte so I was always comfortable in the kitchen and that led me to get more curious about the baking aspect. I realized that there wern't to many places selling desserts I liked, using ethically sourced and natural ingredients. Everything was filled with preservatives, food coloring, and artificial flavors. I created The Sage Bakery to share my creations to people who felt the same. As I learn new things the menu will grown and change so there is a more diverse selection. I hope you all look forward to it!!

All About Me

The baker Amyrea Morris. A young African American lady, round faced, and wearing glasses.

Hi, my name is Amyrea Morris and I'm the baker behind all these delicious treats. I'm a Virginia native, born and raised all my life. I've rewritten the about me section four different times trying to connect with you all without subjugation you to reading a whole essay. I've decided to compile a bulletin board of things about me so you can get a better understanding of who I am.   


Passionate about: I love hearing about changes that positively effect the environment, music that captures the essence of human complexity, poetry, and gardening.​ 


Family: I have a mom, dad, and older sister​​ 


Languages learning: I've been learning Spanish for a few years and I'm working on my brain to mouth translation. ASL and German are scheduled for this upcoming college semester.​ 


Hobbies: I like to grow fruits and vegetables, my mango tree is growing nicely. Going on nature walks, sketching, reading, photographyand watching anime are some of my favorite past times. â€‹ 


Pet Peeves: People who don't respect the environment, bigots, getting over without putting on the turn signal, public marriage proposals that haven't been talked about before hand, neglectful/abusive pet owners, etc...​​


Comfort meal: Homemade spaghetti topped with shredded parmesean

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